By midwinter, our urge to hibernate can start to feel constricting instead of cozy. What better antidote to being cooped up indoors than a bracing hike in the crisp air outdoors? Winter backdrops are stark, serene, and often stunning. With fewer people on the trail, you may spot more creatures out and about. And it’s […]

Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?
Quick health quiz: how bad is inflammation for your body? You’re forgiven if you think inflammation is very bad. News sources everywhere will tell you it contributes to the top causes of death worldwide. Heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer all have been linked to chronic inflammation. And that’s just the short list. So, what […]

Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
Cheers! Salud! Prost! Drinking to one’s health is a common tradition. But it may also be self-defeating: the alcohol that’s part of many toasts can actually harm your health. Of course, alcohol consumption extends well past toasts. For millions of people, it’s a regular part of the dining experience, social and sports events, celebrations, and […]